Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Impressed by the imPRESS PRESS-ON Manicure Nails!!!!

So as you all know by now I was a recipient of the December VoxBox from Influenster.

The second thing I tried out of my VoxBox was the imPRESS PRESS-ON Nails. The color I received was the D100 Dancing Queen.

These nails are so pretty and bold. I immediately loved them and was ready to try them out. Now I am not really a fan of Press-On nails, but I decided to give them a try.

First I cleaned off my nails with the enclosed cleaner and then I let the nails dry.
I then started to put the nails on one by one making sure to press down firmly.
After I was done I could not believe how good the nails looked. You cannot tell that they are press on.

As you can see these nails look very good and they are lasting pretty good. Here is a picture of them from yesterday while I was at work.

and here is today's pic........

So in all I love the nails. They are affordable and practical. They have 36 different choices in styles and colors. I would recommend them to any and everyone!!!!

imPress Manicure retails for $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns, and is available at CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reade, KMart, Walgreens, Walmart and more

Here is the link so you can check them out for yourselves: Impress Press-on Manicure!

Until next time.....

Love you dolls!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Influenster December VoxBox

Hi Guys and Gals!!

Sooooo last month I joined Influenster. I signed up and waited to find out if I would get one of their much talked about VoxBox's.

Well at the beginning of this month I received an email that I would be receiving one!!!!

My box came in the mail last week. I was so happy and excited.

My box included"

imPRESS Press-on manicure by Broadway Nails

Softsoap Coconut Scrub Bar Soap

Montagne Jeunesse Face Mask

New York Color Liquid Lip Shine (Nude)

Also Mentos Pure Fresh Gum, Larabar, Garden Botanika Lash Primer!!!!!!!!!!

I shall post videos and other post as I am trying out the items. Of course the  Mentos Pure Fresh Gum has already been put to use!!! Love it!!!

Very much in the holiday spirit now!!

Thanks INFLENSTER!!!!!